Saturday, March 24, 2012

We are ALL Overwhelmed

Something that I have realized lately is that everyone has something hard they are going through.

What seems hard to me, may not seem hard to you. What seems hard to you, may not seem hard to me.

But it is enough to take our thoughts away from reality and bring that overwhelming feeling. Some people find it easy to hide their pain. Some wear their pain on their shoulders. But either way, every person that you come in contact with, or just pass by in the hallway at work, church, or in the aisle at WalMart, have something that they are dealing with that just might make them not see you when you pass by. Or they might be short with you when they are waiting on your table.

Maybe you don't hear from someone for a while. Maybe they are just going through a hard time and don't want to share their pain with anyone else. Maybe someone lashes out at you for seemingly no reason at all. Maybe they are just going through some pain that you know nothing about.

I say all this to say, maybe you need to give someone the benefit of the doubt next time they say or do something that offends you. Maybe they just need prayer for their circumstances. Maybe that is their cry for help. Maybe they need that soft answer just to show them that someone cares. Just think of the help you can do if you give a soft answer and are able to pray with them or just for them. Think of the blessings we can all be a part of if we would just think of the other person when we are offended instead of ourselves.

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